5 Demonstrações simples sobre presidente Explicado

“”He is a hope for Latin America. I very much wish that this philosophy comes to Brazil. I find him unique. I plan to go to Venezuela and try to meet him.

Protesto por reajuste foi recado ao governo e É possibilitado a haver greve em fevereiro, diz representante por servidores

“”I support a dictatorship. We will never resolve serious national problems with this irresponsible democracy.

On another front, Carlos Bolsonaro very quickly posted on his twitter[121] (and later deleted) the audio logs of the porter's calls on the day of the murder. However, this raised more questions than it answered:

Not only that, Jair immediately ordered Sergio Moro, Justice Minister, to take care of the porter. It took two hours for the prosecutor responsible for the investigation, Carmen Eliza Bastos de Carvalho, to evaluate the audio logs and make a press conference to state that the porter lied[119]. Said prosecutor was later shown to be an avid supporter of Bolsonaro and she also posed together with Rodrigo bolsonaro jair twitter Amorim, the deputy that broke the honor plaque that renamed a street after Marielle[120]. At first, she denied that this would influence the investigation at all, but stepped down after she realized nobody would believe that.

Trump lost the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden but refused to concede. He falsely claimed that there was widespread electoral fraud and attempted to overturn the results, pressuring government officials, mounting scores of unsuccessful legal challenges, and obstructing the presidential transition.

"2 quase-chanceleres e 2 reis" — foi uma das manchetes qual resumiu o resultado 1 tanto desconexo da noite do domingo.

Against that backdrop, Bolsonaro’s comments – widely seen as designed to distract from awkward reports about his son’s purchase of a luxury mansion – caused outrage.

The Supreme Court blocked the move, finding it unconstitutional, but all pending demarcation cases remain frozen.

As more data came in pointing that [53] the fires raging around the rainforest have increased almost 300% compared to the previous year, Bolsonaro kept jair bolsonaro live denying and blaming everyone but the actual culprits, big farmers, who organized a "fire day" via a WhatsApp group,[54] for it:

Religious leaders condemned the treatment of protesters and the photo opportunity itself.[311] Many retired military leaders and defense officials bolsonaro jair astrotheme condemned Trump's proposal to use the U.

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[239] In the same interview, he said that if a gay couple moved in next door to him, it would lower the market value of his house.

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